Let me introduce myself. My name is Whiskey. Im kind of famous around these parts due to my role in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang at the Croswell Opera House. My mom and I are the founders of Whiskey Treats. I am the official Taste Tester. My mom, Shirley Green started baking for me years ago because I could not have certain ingredients due to my allergies. So many of my friends at Heavenly Days loved them, so my mom started making them in all kinds of flavors. All treats have human grade ingredients and no wheat, egg or junk. All FurAngels at Heavenly Days get a Whiskey treat before leaving after a fun day of play. Some of my friends wont eat any treat but a Whiskey Treat! Especially Peanut Butter! My mom also makes the Coolest Doggy Cakes EVER! They are uniquely designed with whatever theme in mind. Give us a try. Call or email for pricing. You will not be disappointed.